मैं भी भगत सिंह ( I’m Bhagat Singh)
Join Our Campaign


At “Our Green Members,” we envision a world where every native trees and fruit trees is embraced as a cherished member of our families and communities, fostering a sustainable and harmonious relationship between humans and nature.


Our mission is to promote Familial Forestry by encouraging individuals, families, and social institutions to adopt and nurture new saplings of native trees and fruit trees as green members. Through education, advocacy, and action, we aim to create a global network of tree guardians committed to planting and caring for native trees and fruit trees for the benefit of humanity and biodiversity.


– Join the Movement:
– Adopt Native Trees and Fruit Trees: Become a part of the “Our Green Members” community by planting and adopting new saplings of native trees and fruit trees. Commit to nurturing them and ensuring their growth and health over time.
– Spread Awareness:- Share our message with your friends, family, and community to inspire others to join the cause of planting native trees and fruit trees and adopting them as green members.
– Take Action:- Organise and participate in tree planting events, conservation projects, and other initiatives to contribute to our goal of planting one billion trees by 2030, with at least 50 percent being fruit trees.

About Us

Welcome to Our Green Members Campaign, initiated by Professor Shyam Sunder Jyani, a pioneering force in the field of familial forestry.

Professor Jyani conceived the idea of familial forestry in 2006 and has since been at the forefront of this movement. His visionary leadership has inspired countless individuals and communities to embrace native trees and fruit trees as cherished members of their families and communities. Moreover, Professor Jyani’s Holistic Habitat Healing approach emphasizes the conservation and proliferation of native grasses, shrubs, herbs, bushes, and other types of native vegetation and wildlife, fostering a comprehensive understanding of ecosystems.

A recipient of the prestigious UN’s Land for Life Award, Professor Jyani’s tireless efforts in environmental conservation and sustainable land management have earned him international acclaim. His unwavering dedication to preserving our natural resources serves as a beacon of inspiration for us all.

At Our Green Members, we are committed to realizing Professor Jyani’s vision by planting and adopting native trees and fruit trees as green members. Through our collective actions, we strive to create a greener, healthier planet for future generations.

Join us in building bonds with nature by embracing native trees and fruit trees as our green members.

Join our new initiative

मैं भी भगत सिंह ( I’m Bhagat Singh)

23 मार्च 2031 को शहीद-ए-आज़म के 100वें शहादत दिवस तक “मैं भी भगत सिंह” अभियान के द्वारा 10 करोड़ पेड़ पनपाए जाएँगे और इन पेड़ों से 23 मार्च 2031 को भगत सिंह जी व सभी शहीदों को पूरी दुनिया में हरित श्रद्धांजलि दी जाएगी । इस मुहिम के तीन मक़सद है –
पहला: भगत सिंह जी को अब तक के मानव इतिहास की सबसे बड़ी व अनूठी हरित श्रद्धांजलि देना ।
दूसरा: इस वैश्विक श्रद्धांजलि के ज़रिए जलवायु परिवर्तन से प्रभावित ग्रामीण जगत की बात को प्रमुखता से विश्व पटल पर रखना।
तीसरा: भगत सिंह जी ने जिस मानवीय शोषण की बात कही थी आज की दुनिया में जलवायु परिवर्तन ने इस शोषण को और अधिक तेज कर दिया है, जलवायु परिवर्तन की ज़िम्मेदार पूँजीवादी शक्तियाँ है जबकि इससे प्रभावित आम इंसान हो रहा है । यह अभियान इस बात को भी प्रमुखता से स्पष्ट करेगा । अभियान का हिस्सा बनने हेतु नीचे दिए लिंक पर रजिस्टर्ड करें । रजिस्ट्रेशन के बाद आपको अभियान की कार्य योजना आपके whats app नंबर पर भेज दी जाएगी।

I’m Bhagat Singh

By March 23, 2031, the 100th martyrdom anniversary of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh, we aim to nurture 100 million trees through the “I’m Bhagat Singh” campaign. On this day, we will globally pay a green tribute to Bhagat Singh through these trees. This campaign has three objectives:

First: To offer the greatest and most unique green tribute to Bhagat Singh in human history.

Second: To highlight the impact of climate change on rural communities globally through this tribute.

Third: Bhagat Singh spoke about human exploitation, and in today’s world, climate change has exacerbated this exploitation. Capitalist forces responsible for climate change are not the ones suffering; it is the common people who bear the brunt. This campaign will also emphasize this point.

To become a part of the campaign, register using the link below. After registration, the campaign plan will be sent to your WhatsApp number.

मैं भी भगत सिंह अभियान से जुड़ने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक करें ।
To join I’m Bhagat Singh Campaign, please register here

अपने हरित सदस्यों (पेड़ों) की जानकारी भरने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक करें
To upload information about your Green Members (Trees), please click here

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